Yoga for Back Care: Re-Align And Liberate The Spine

Join A Group Class (courses offered twice a year) Or Have a Private Yoga For Back Care Consultation

Yoga For Back Care course comprises of In person classes and online Supplementary videos in movement and experiential anatomy education so you understand how to sit, stand, move, breathe and Live with more freedom.

In the Yoga Home Sligo Yoga For Back Care Course you will learn breathing, movement and mindfulness practices

  • to relax and release physical tension

  • to re-connect with postural awareness and activation

  • to re-build strength and mobility, not only in your spine, but in supporting structures.

We will also explore the latest perspectives on pain perception and how understanding ho

These are Skills and Knowledge that empowers you!

You will no longer have to live helplessly with chronic back pain or the fear of an unexpected and unmanageable back pain episode—you’ll learn how you can best to keep it at bay and how to work wisely with it should it arise, and when it’s best to call in reinforcements from among your health care team.

Next 8 Week Course* Begins Mon March 4

Course Dates:

March 4, 8, 25

April 8, 15, 22

May 13, 20

NOTE: There are no classes on March 18, April 1, April 29, May 6

The 8 weeks do not run without interruption, to allow for participants to have more time to integrate what they are learning in home practice (using on demand online videos).

While Awaiting The Start of the next Yoga for back care course, you may wish to consider a Private Yoga Consultation to address your Back Care issues. Private consultation allows a complete focus on your specific situation and we can develop a plan tailored for your body and your particular schedule so that our Recommendations are practical as well as potent

Why Do We Need Special Yoga For Back Care?

If you suffer with back pain, please know you are not alone, and it’s not your fault! Back problems are an epidemic because modern living sets us up for pain

Many of us are “desk jockeys,” meaning we sit for most of the day, whether at school or work (office or driving), and so we sit more than we stand or move. Unfortunately, and because no one educates us about spinal health, we often sit in a way that distorts the natural curves of the vertebral column (aka spine). Over time this leads to muscular imbalance, with some muscles becoming overstretched and weak while others become short and tight. Consequently, our standing and walking postures are compromised and this further exacerbates our imbalances. Overall, this declining muscular support for the vertebral column means that we become vulnerable to disc compression and/or nerve impingement.

We have also become avid users of devices the use of which pulls our skull forward and down. This “tech neck” causes an excess of rounding in the upper spine, and a exponential increase in the “load” on the lower spine.


In short, modern living encourages us to assume unhealthy postures that cause rampant upper and lower back dis-ease.

Furthermore, this rounding in the upper body holds us in a shallow breath pattern, and when we are not free to breathe deeply we disable the body's natural self-regulating energy system--breath is life and if we are not breathing fully we are not living fully.

And if all that isn’t enough to get you excited about optimising your posture, get this; too much time spent in a slumped sitting posture disrupts digestion and elimination. Obviously, this means we are not reaping the full nutritional rewards of what we eat, but many of us don’t realise that digestive and elimination issues can lead to difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep. Who knew that posture could impact our sleep?

The good news is that targeted and mindful yoga can help

Not all yoga classes are suitable for those with a back problem. Some classes are fast and furious and while this can be great fun for many people, they are not targeted to back problems and moving quickly in and out of challenging yoga poses can unfortunately exacerbate an existing painful situation.

Knowledge is power!

In our yoga for back care course, we move gently and take time to explain the how’s and why’s so that you become educated about your anatomy not in some abstract way but as you experience it in the poses and practices, and you’ll be able to take what you learn off the mat and into your life. YHS Yoga for Back Care aims to share educational information that can be applied and lead to transformation!

We offer variations and modifications of all the techniques we offer so that there is a way into the poses for everybody.

We use a variety of easily available props from chairs, straps/belts, blankets and cushions, to access the various areas of the body that need kind and careful investigation.

The classes are tailored to teach you how to bring the techniques into your everyday life and simple enough that you will be able to do short practices at home and you’ll get access to an online learning platform that hosts short practice videos, reminding you of the how’s and why’s for the various movements and practices.This at home practice and in daily life adaptation is essential to shift patterns of postural dysfunction and maintain the relief you gain.

While it’s important to understand that back pain is complex and can have a variety of causes and implicating factors and we must always check in with a licensed doctor and/or physiotherapist to establish to the suitability of yoga for back care for our particular situation. However, in many cases, targeted movement accompanied by relaxation techniques can facilitate postural re-alignment, increased mobility and stress relief. It’s empowering to realise that in many cases as little as 10 mins of self-practice a day can help keep back pain away and a regular 20 mins or more could lead to chronic back pain no more!

Discover The Magic Of Yoga Therapy Balls

Our Yoga For Back Care Course incorporates techniques from Jill Miller’s “Roll Model Method” which uses her specially crafted Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls to become your own massage therapist. This empowers you to tackle back pain issues on the spot as they arise AND include regular ball work into your regular at home yoga upkeep. In this Yoga for Back Care Course, you’ll learn how to use the Yoga Tune Up Balls to bring awareness and relief to neck, upper back, lower back and hips.

The Yoga For Back Care Course Includes a Set of Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls

Summary of Yoga For Back Care Package

  • 8 in Person Classes (2 hours) targeted specifically on gentle but potent techniques for back care learning and support. Each class combines experiential anatomy learning, yoga movement and breath techniques and 20 minute deep relaxation at the end to integrate the whole experience.

  • Coaching on personal at home and in life practice to keep you motivated and develop personal accountability

  • Library of On Demand Supplementary Videos available for 1 year.

  • Your own set of Yoga Therapy Balls.

  • 30 minute private mini consultation at the end of the course to help each student zone in on specifically important practices for their situation.

  • €25 discount on any private full follow-up consultation should you choose to have one.

Dates and Times

March 4, 8, 25

April 8, 15, 22

May 13, 20

NOTE: There are no classes on March 18, April 1, April 29, May 6

In studio classes Monday 8:00-10:00pm. Please note the last 30 minutes of class is devoted to deep relaxation which is a crucial part of re-patterning pain relationship.

Online classes are available On Demand within 3 days of live class. These on dmeand online classes allow for optimum home practice


Three Tiered Payment Option Dependent On Your Financial Situation

To read about Yoga Home Sligo Fair Trade Yoga Pricing click here

Supporter (Financial Security) €280

Standard (Financial Stability) €240

Supported (Financial Challenge) €200

Please choose what feels most appropriate for you—no questions asked.

Payment Plans Available. If you are unable to pay in one instalment and smaller payments over time would be workable, please inquire about a payment plan. This can apply to any of the three rates.

The Yoga Home Sligo Back Care Course is suitable for all levels, meaning you do not need to have any yoga experience or you may be a regular yoga practitioner.

However, if you are suffering from an acute episode of pain and/or have recently had a surgery please do consult your health care practitioner to see whether gentle yoga for back care is advised for you.

If you have a chronic back pain issue (meaning lasting more than six months) and have not yet consulted a doctor or physiotherapist, I recommend that you do get checked out because there are a number of health conditions that present with back pain and it’s always best to get a correct diagnosis as early as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me so we can assess your situation and find the best possible course of action for you.