Yoga and Ayurveda Support For Menopause Weekend Workshop

Next Live Workshop in 2024

Sunday April 7th 2:00-5:00pm

Online Recorded Workshop Available On Demand Contact Cathi

1. What Are Hormones and Why Do We Care?

We’ll explore hormones in a fun an accessible way using Claudia Welch’s metaphor of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (starring as the Sex hormones estrogen and progesterone) and Fred Flintstone and his wife Wilma (starring as as Stress Hormones Cortisol and DHEA). We’ll use this “Two-Freds” model to understand the function and behaviour of each hormone and the relationship between them. This will help us understand why it is crucially important for women to maintain a balance of their Freds, especially in perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

2. What is Ayurveda and Why Do We Care?

Ayurveda means the wisdom of living well. Basically, it’s traditional Indian Medicine and a sister science of yoga. In this workshop, we’ll learn the basics of the ayurvedic concept of “dosha prakriti” that is the elemental make-up of each individual person when they are in balance, and “vikruti” which describes the state of imbalance. Most importantly, we’ll learn how Ayurveda views menopause in general and how our dosha prakriti can give us a heads up on what “vikruti” to expect during menopause and how to best respond according to our dosha prakriti to bring ourselves back to balance.

3. Putting The Theory Into Practice

Moving Towards Menopausal Balance: In Studio Yoga Practice

Armed with the understanding of hormones and dosha prakriti/vikruti, we’ll practice some of the key Yoga and Ayurveda techniques for Menopausal support. We’ll engage in what is called a “Sattvic” practice, that is one which aims to bring Sattva or harmony to all three doshas during menopause. The practice will be approx 75 mins and will include movement, breathwork, deep relaxation and guided meditation.

Moving Towards Menopausal Balance: At Home Practice

You will receive a recording of our 75 mins General Sattvic Menopause practice so that you can use it as a template for your personal at home practice.

Moving Towards Menopausal Balance: Bonus Features

You will also receive three short recordings (15-25 mins) for specific practices that bring balance to each of the three main Ayurvedic types, so that you can add to the general Sattvic Menopause Practice in a way that best supports you at any given time.

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